
Did you know that a whopping 81% of people will buy a product just because its packaging stands out? Plus, about 63% of shoppers would buy a product again if they liked its packaging, and more than half — yes, 52%! — are willing to switch brands for more appealing packaging. Research from WestRock shows that the design of a label and the quality of packaging can really influence our shopping choices. Pretty interesting, huh?

But let’s face it, high-quality labels and packaging aren’t always cheap, are they?

As business owners, we have to cut costs wherever we can to increase our profits. With the allure of cheaper labour costs and seemingly endless production capabilities, overseas label manufacturing has become the go-to choice for many businesses.

But is it really as cost-effective as it seems?

At LabEx, we believe that high-quality doesn't always have to come with a hefty price tag. Through our local manufacturing processes, we deliver not just labels but value and sustainability.

In this blog, you will learn:

  • The Comparison of Overseas vs Local Label Manufacturing
    • Cost
    • Quality
    • Benefits
  • The LabEx Advantage: Why Choose LabEx?
    • Affordable Quality
    • No Hidden Costs
    • Cost-Effectiveness Without Compromise
    • Eco-Friendly Solution
    • Supporting Sustainable Practices

After reading this blog, you will understand the hidden expenses and implications behind overseas label manufacturing. We’ll dive into what really goes on behind the scenes, revealing the true cost that stretches way beyond just the price tag. You’ll walk away with a clearer understanding of the whole picture. Are you ready?

Overseas vs. Local Label Manufacturing: Which One is For You?


The common belief is that local manufacturing tends to be pricier than outsourcing production overseas. However, if we take a closer look, we might find that the reality tells a different story. While it's true that initial quotes from overseas manufacturers often appear more budget-friendly, these don't cover various hidden expenses that can add up significantly over time. These include:

  • potential delays due to longer shipping times
  • customs fees
  • the risk of receiving products that don't meet the expected quality standards

Such unexpected costs can dramatically increase the overall expense, making overseas manufacturing less cost-effective than it initially seems.

These hidden costs that come with overseas manufacturing can really throw a wrench in both your budget and project timeline. Think about it: shipping delays can mess up your entire supply chain, which might mean missing out on sales or having to rush production at the last minute—and nobody wants to compromise on quality, right?

Plus, those customs fees and tariffs? They can be totally unpredictable, changing with the winds of international trade laws. So, planning your budget can feel a bit like guessing, and nobody likes surprises when it comes to costs! As such:

Choose Overseas Label Manufacturing if:

  • You're set up to handle delays: You have ample leeway to manage potential shipping and customs delays without it disturbing your business operations.
  • You're looking to cut some costs: You want to save on labour costs and the price of raw materials for your products.
  • You've got a long-term plan: You have a strategy in place that accounts for potential fluctuations in currency exchange rates and geopolitical risks.

Choose Local Label Manufacturing if:

  • You want financial predictability: You prefer to avoid any hidden or unforeseen costs associated with overseas shipping, helping you control your spending and maintain steadier profit margins.
  • Speed is key: You prioritise quick turnaround times and value efficient communication with your manufacturing partners.
  • You prefer simplicity: You seek to minimise the logistical complexities and risks associated with dealing with overseas shipping and customs procedures.


There are a lot of stereotypes out there, so let’s set the record straight. Think overseas labels can't be high quality? Think again! Opting for overseas manufacturing opens up a world of options, allowing you to produce a variety of products at different quality levels to suit any market need. It’s all about flexibility and finding the right fit for your business.

Similarly, just because labels are made locally doesn’t mean they have to break the bank. But isn’t there something reassuring about keeping things local? When production is just around the corner, you get to keep a close eye on everything. It’s easy to pop over, chat with the team, and ensure every label is up to scratch. After all, nothing beats having direct control over your products, ensuring each one meets your high standards, right? As such:

Choose Overseas Label Manufacturing if:

  • You have the means for quality control: You are willing to invest in extensive quality control measures to ensure products meet your standards.
  • Quantity is the priority: You prioritise quantity over quality.
  • Quality inconsistencies are okay: You are willing to risk quality inconsistency because addressing defects or errors in products manufactured overseas can be logistically challenging and not to mention, costly.

Choose Local Label Manufacturing if:

  • You need a closer look at the process: You require greater control over the manufacturing process and have the ability to monitor production quality closely.
  • Easier resolution and prevention of problems: You want to avoid problems like getting low-quality items or dealing with customer returns and complaints.
  • Personalisation is important: You aim to maintain higher levels of product customisation and responsiveness to customer needs.


Sourcing products from overseas can be a breeze when you team up with a reliable service provider. They make it super easy to handle everything from afar, so there’s no need to hop on a plane yourself! But here’s a little food for thought: overseas shipping means your products have to travel long distances, usually by ship, plane, or truck. And yep, that does mean a fair bit of greenhouse gas emissions, which isn’t great for our planet as it adds to climate change and air pollution.

On the flip side, choosing local label manufacturing cuts down on those long journeys, which means less carbon in the air! Plus, it’s a fantastic way to support your local community by keeping jobs nearby and boosting local businesses. How about that? As such:

Choose Overseas Label Manufacturing if:

  • You need specialised resources: You prioritise access to specialised manufacturing capabilities or materials that aren’t available locally.
  • You're looking to scale up: You want access to larger production capacities to scale your business efficiently.
  • Local appeal isn’t a priority: You don't aim to have the "made by locals, for locals" kind of appeal.

Choose Local Label Manufacturing if:

  • You support local growth: You prioritise supporting local economies and businesses, contributing to sustainability and community development.
  • You care about the environment: You prefer to reduce environmental impact by minimising transportation distances and carbon emissions.
  • You value local branding: You seek to enhance your brand reputation by emphasising the "made locally" aspect, appealing to consumers' preferences for locally sourced products.

Why Choose LabEx?

Affordable Quality

Local label manufacturers like LabEx are showing people that you can totally get top-notch quality without spending a fortune. We make things run smoothly while keeping costs down by streamlining our manufacturing processes and trimming those pesky logistical expenses.

No Hidden Costs

Since LabEx operates right here at home, we can dodge all those sneaky hidden costs that often come with international manufacturing. We're talking about customs fees and those endless shipping delays. Our smart and efficient production chops down waste and boosts efficiency, which means we can offer amazing labels at amazing prices!

Cost-Effectiveness Without Compromise

Choosing to go local with LabEx is choosing peace of mind. Our operations are here so that means shipping times are short and sweet. You can say goodbye to those annoying delays. No customs fees, no fuss, and communication is just a quick chat away, making it super easy to make tweaks on the fly. This all adds up to stable and predictable costs, so you can plan your budget without any nasty surprises.

Plus, being in touch with LabEx means you’re always assured of quality. No more worrying about iffy products and the hassle of fixing mistakes—we’re here to get it right the first time around!

Eco-friendly Solution

LabEx’s local label printing also massively cuts down on carbon emissions. Why? Because the less a product has to travel, the smaller its carbon footprint. Skipping those long hauls across oceans and continents means a big thumbs up for our planet. Choosing LabEx isn’t just good for your conscience—it’s also ticking all the right boxes for consumers and businesses hungry for greener practices.

Supporting Sustainable Practices

Aside from being good for the environment, LabEx’s local manufacturing is also good for the local economy. By keeping things local, we give back to the community, support neighbourhood businesses, and keep jobs around where they belong. This creates a lovely cycle where the planet and our community both thrive, paving the way for a sustainable business vibe that makes everyone feel good.

Choose Local, Choose Quality

Choosing LabEx for your label manufacturing needs means you're picking a partner who values quality, cost-effectiveness, and environmental responsibility. As a local manufacturer, we really shine with our commitment to producing top-notch products that not only meet the highest standards of quality and reliability but also go easy on the planet. With our competitive pricing and stellar quality assurance processes, all while keeping that carbon footprint small, we have zoomed ahead as a leader in sustainable label manufacturing.

By teaming up with us, you're aligning with a partner who matches your business goals and your care for the environment. LabEx's fantastic mix of high-quality, cost-effective production, and green practices offers a full-package solution for all your labeling needs. It’s a chance to boost your business while making a positive impact on the world and the local community!

So, why wait? Reach out to us today to see how we can help you upgrade your label manufacturing strategy and guide you towards a more sustainable, efficient future. Let’s make it happen together!

Choose Local, Choose Quality – Order Your LabEX Labels Today!


Georgieva, I. (2024, January 29). Statistics you should know about packaging design (2024).

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